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  • 2024-04-23 12:13:46
  • 编辑:小米儿Sunny

Recently, many players have been attracted to the game "自在心猿" and have been working hard to level up their characters. One player even used a 10-skill child to continue refining their character after successfully refining a 7-skill "净台善恶自在心猿". Although they were able to refine an 11-skill "净台善恶童子", the attack talent was only 1059, so they will need to spend at least two years to fully develop it. However, if they can successfully train it, it should be able to handle high-level faction competitions and other PK events.


Another player recently identified a "神佑" and "罗汉" weapon with a level of 80 and a double addition of 34 during a "抓鬼环装" test. This weapon is not only suitable for players in the "勇武组" but is also suitable for female players in the "天元组联赛". For high-speed female players, weapon damage is far less important than the special skills of the "神佑" weapon. Therefore, the comprehensive value of this weapon is at least in the four-digit range, which is a small but meaningful achievement.

For players who enjoy completing achievements, oaining any reward with achievement points is important. One "黄金id" player was rewarded with a set of buns and three achievement points while completing the "翰墨任务". Although the reward may not seem profitable, the satisfaction of completing an achievement is priceless.

Lastly, a player almost achieved a "超级简易" during a "灵饰" test. They identified a "100基础法防" accessory with double damage and one piercing. Although this accessory can be used, it is not as valuable as a "超级简易" with three damages, double damage, one physical crit, and one speed.

These are just some of the interesting things that have happened in the game recently. If any players have similar experiences, they are encouraged to share them with the community.